6. Summary and conclusions
a). The Foz Tua Dam Project
Regarding the proposal of the State Party as regards the creation of the Foz Tua Dam Development (FTDD) set in the cultural landscape of the Alto Douro Wine Region (ADWR), we can only but conclude that this will have an irreversible impact and threaten the OUV of the property.
•1) The State Party’s statement that the transformation of the landscape proposed is identical to that which has already been experienced along the Douro valley, although evidently of a much smaller dimension, cannot to be taken into account for past doings can in no way justify present actions.
•2) The FTDD intervention area lies outside the WH property: we have demonstrated above that this is not so, but that the area intervened affects fully the WH property.
•3) The FTDD is not considered to be visually intrusive because the valley morphology will remain, whilst the “elegant shape of the Dam itself of broad/monumental scale, will create an impressive mark on the visual horizon of the observer, exposing land uses that outline the scenery”, that will attenuate all visual negative impact. We have demonstrated above that the building of the FTDD would mean a major impact on the ADWR which would imply a loss of its OUV, and serious threats to its authenticity and integrity.
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